Fitness Classes at
Chilton Village Hall

I’m Gemma and I’ve been running fitness classes in Chilton and the local area since 2011. I started teaching Zumba Gold in Chilton Village Hall and then added Pilates shortly afterwards and have taught
various things at both the village hall and the community room - I definitely feel part of the village!
All of our classes are designed for people who wouldn’t want to go to a gym but want to move more, dance, feel better and take a break from stress.
We believe that the best way to get fit and stay healthy is to enjoy what you do, whether you’re 25 or 85. A little exercise makes such a difference - whether it’s for your mental health, reducing your waistline, easing back pain or just having fun!
All our classes are so supportive, non-judgemental and full of fun and we hope to meet you soon!
Highly qualified and experienced, I specialise in dance fitness, Pilates and classes for older people.
We're currently offering our popular Zumba Gold classes for older people on Thursday mornings at the village hall plus Gentle Pilates. On Tuesday evenings, I teach 3 Pilates sessions at the village hall and at the community room on Chilton Field Way. We also have classes in Steventon and Abingdon.
Here are more details:

Pilates in Chilton
What is it?
A class where you’ll do exercises to strengthen the core, stretch, and mobilise thejoints. These exercises will improve your posture, ease achy joints and strengthen your muscles.This isn’t a sweaty class where you’ll be improving your cardiovascular fitness or burning calories, but you’ll be improving your posture, ease achy joints and strengthen your muscles. This is a classwhere you’ll feel so much better afterwards!
Who’s it for?
This class is suitable for anyone of any age, gender or size that has a mat! If you dohave a diagnosed health condition, back problem or joint issue, please do get in contact before booking.
Where and when is it?
We have 3 Pilates classes on a Tuesday evening in Chilton and 1 lunchtime class in Steventon on a Friday.
How do I join?
Pilates classes are booked by the term–this tends to be 6 or 7 weeks. Classes can be booked on the website or get in contact to find out more.
Zumba Gold in Chilton
What it is: Low impact latin dance fitness class that really doesn't feel like exercise! These classes are for older adults or anybody who might be needing a slightly slower pace, less bouncing around and easier to follow choreography.
Who's it for: Anyone who would like a gentle dance fitness class. This class focuses on improving cardiovascular fitness without jumping so is easier on the joints - perfect for older people or those recovering from injuries. No specific dance experience required, but you must like music and dancing! Complete beginners welcome.
What do I need to bring? Nothing!
Where is it: Chilton Village Hall.
When is it: Thursdays 10.30 - 11.15am.
Class/Course: Class. Advance booking only - £7 per class.
Gentle Pilates in Chilton
What is it?
Gentle Pilates is a modified version of Pilates, low-impact exercises to feel stronger, more flexible and balanced. We spend about half the class doing standing Pilates and balance training. We use a chair for support and it’s there to help you get down onto the mat...and up again!
Who is it for?
Gentle Pilates participants tend to be 65+ and looking for a more gentle class or one where adaptations are made for health issues and physical limitations. If you do have a diagnosed health condition, back problem or joint issue, please do get in contact before booking.
Where and when is it?
We have 3 Gentle Pilates classes–on at Long Furlong Community Centre on a Wednesday at 9.30am, at Chilton Village Hall on a Thursday at 11.30am and at Steventon Village Hall on a Friday at 11.30am.
How do I join?
Pilates classes are booked by the term–this tends to be 6 or 7 weeks. Classes can be booked on the website or get in contact to find out more.