I’m not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions as you know but the month of January definitely has the feel of new beginning and a good time to try something different.
In December, I spent many hours studying nutrition. I was a bit frustrated that I hadn’t lost all my ‘baby weight’ one year post-natal and whilst I think your shape and how you feel are far more important that a number on the scales, it was really getting me down.
I thought it was time to press the reset button and take a hard look at my eating habits. As a new mum, I’d fallen into the trap of feeding my daughter lovely healthy food but not feeling like I have the time and motivation to do the same for myself. I was living on a diet of toast, toast and toast plus I’d developed a bit of an unhealthy attitude to food.
After two weeks of following a healthy eating plan and doing a daily 10 minute HIIT workout every day – I feel great! I’ve eaten so much better (mostly lean meat, fish and green veg), felt more energised and improved my attitude to food. I don’t want to be a size 0, but shaking up my nutrition and doing a daily workout has made me feel fabulous… plus I lost 9lbs!
Claire, our Zumba instructor, joined me on the plan and has also done really well. She has really embraced the healthy eating as a lifestyle choice which is working extremely well for her and her family (plus she’s looking amazing!).
We’ll be offering Kick Start plans from next month - in a private Facebook group with short, easy to follow workouts every day, flexible meal plans and daily support.
We just want you to feel happier and fitter. There is no calorie counting, daily points or faddy foods, just supporting you to eat well, find balance and feel good about yourself.
So if you want to press the reset button on your current eating & exercise regime, want to stop eating processed food that makes you feel like rubbish, and want to look after yourself, then our Kick Start programmes could be for you.
We’d like 10 people to join us for a free trial week later this month (mainly so we can check the technology!). Get in touch if you’d be interested!