Most of the Gemma Pearce Fitness family are at that time of life when we’re pulled in all directions – we may have children that rely on us, perhaps aging parents too, there are work pressures, pets, friends and a whole host of demands on our time.
Whilst we generally maintain superwoman tendencies, these life commitments can pile on levels of stress that mean we stop looking after ourselves and self-care feels like a luxury we simply can’t afford at times.
It is well known that exercise is a mental health booster, allowing us to push worries about family and work to one side. Sometimes, at the end of a workout, those worries don’t seem to be so pressing and we can apply a clearer mind to the situation.
I often talk about making time for ourselves so that we are in the best position to look after all the other demands on our time more effectively – that is sometimes easier said than done. A whole hour to yourself can seem too much to find but most of us can squeeze in 10-15 minutes to switch off from the daily grind and worries and focus on ourselves.
During the pandemic, many people were able to find more time to look after themselves, going for a walk or run or joining an online class, and some people have been able to carry this new-found commitment to a small piece of ‘me time’. As life has got ‘back to normal’, the time for ourselves has become squeezed and lost.
Once we commit to a short burst of exercise – whether it’s a quick Pilates stretch or a HIIT workout or a dance around the kitchen, those endorphins start flowing and we feel awesome and energised! It allows us to be the best version of ourselves, to face all those challenges of daily life with a little more strength and focus.
It’s amazing to think that just a few minutes per day spent doing something just for us can have such an impact. As women, we feel we have to be amazing at everything – organised, caring, strong, flexible, clever and creative! I have found that keeping my mind and body healthy goes a long way to being able to achieve at least some of those skills every day!
It might feel like a big decision to make but take a deep breath, say ‘I am worth it’ and put on a Gemma Pearce Fitness online class for the most rewarding bit of escapism you’ll find!
Check out your options at – the best option for short classes for the time poor is one of our Mini Courses or the Express Membership.