News from Gemma Pearce Fitness!
Hi, happy Sunday!
It’s our last week of term already before all classes take a break for half term week. Take a look at our classes with spaces available this week, and while you’re there get signed up for next term too!
Here are 2 photos from last week’s classes:
Don’t forget our special Saturday morning class in Steventon later this month. In order to update the photos and videos on my website, I’m looking for “bodies” to help on Saturday 24th Feb 9-10am at Steventon Village Hall. It'll be completely free of charge and all we require in return is for you to be your normal smiley self and be happy to be on our promo video! Everyone is welcome and just let me know you’re coming by signing up here or replying to this email.
Scroll down for details of this week's classes, this week’s blog about ankles, and this week’s half price online class bundle.
Lots of love,
Gemma x
What’s on this week?
This Week’s Online Classes (join live or receive the recording) are:
Aero HIIT Accelerator
Mind Body Conditioner
Pilates Back

This week’s online half price bundle is…
Nothing creates more happy hormones than dance!
Join me for 5 x 15 minute recorded Dance Fitness workouts - start today!
A new themed video every day to get the endorphins, dopamine and seratonin flowing!
Day 1 - Abba Aerobics
Day 2 - Ballroom Blitz
Day 3 - Pop Aerobics
Day 4 - Disco Inferno
Day 5 - Sizzling Salsa
Find out more about our online exercise classes and face to face fitness classes in Didcot & Abingdon at
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Interested in our Retired & Fitter classes for over 65s? Find out more here - and find us on instagram here:
By participating in this exercise or exercise programme, you are declaring yourself to be physically sound and suffering from no impairment, disease or infirmity or other illness that would prevent your participation in live streamed fitness classes or activities. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you are unsure about your suitability for this exercise, please refer to your GP. You hereby assume all responsibility for your participation and activities.